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Buskerud County faces financial challenges after Viken division requiring 250 million kroner cuts

Friday 6th 2024 on 15:54 in  

Buskerud County Municipality is facing significant financial challenges following the division of Viken, requiring cuts amounting to 250 million kroner. The municipality has already implemented budget reductions across various sectors, including public transport and culture.

Opposition members within the County Council propose to allocate part of a potential surplus in 2025 to maintain educational programs and schools. They argue that providing quality services and outcomes is more important than accumulating financial reserves. County Mayor Tore Opdal Hansen acknowledges the need to reduce activity levels but suggests that the final surplus target will be decided politically. He does not disregard the opposition’s proposal but emphasizes that deliberations and finding solutions will take time.

The recent division has forced Buskerud to make drastic cuts to essential services, and further reductions are anticipated, adversely affecting residents. Adjustments to public transportation with Brakar have already been approved, alongside proposals to close several high schools in the region.

During a recent budget seminar attended by all county politicians, the future of Numedal High School remains uncertain, with various specialized programs at other schools also facing potential closure. Hansen explained that while the current situation is regrettable, these reductions are obligatory rather than voluntary.

The opposition is questioning the need for a large surplus in 2025, highlighting that funds are better spent enhancing services rather than maintaining excess dollars in reserves. Politicians urge prioritizing quality educational offerings to ensure students succeed and are prepared for future challenges.

Mayor Hansen admits the cuts will be noticeable but insists that careful planning is essential to sustain local services responsibly, allowing for thoughtful debate on proposed budget measures.

(via nrk.no)