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Linn Wiik shares personal story of abuse and legal challenges in new book from Telemark

Friday 6th 2024 on 15:54 in  

Linn Wiik, a prominent figure at NRK, shares her personal story of abuse alongside that of a female family member in her new book, “This Can Be Our Secret.” The book recounts her upbringing in a secure environment in Telemark.

At the age of twelve, Wiik was sexually assaulted by a male relative whom she trusted. The shame and fear of not being believed delayed her decision to speak about the incident. It was only years later, when the abuser became a father, that she found the courage to report him.

After considerable time, Wiik reported the abuser, fearing that he might also harm his own children. He was subsequently charged and convicted, serving six months in prison. Despite his denials, Wiik’s detailed diary entries and evidence found on his computer led to the conviction.

Wiik emphasizes that silence enables abuse, noting that it often takes 17 years on average for survivors to disclose their experiences. After serving his time, the abuser retained custody of his children, which deeply concerned Wiik. When his daughter turned 13, he was again reported for multiple sexual assaults against her and later sentenced to two years in prison for these crimes as well as possessing child abuse material.

Wiik criticizes the legal system for allowing convicted abusers to retain custody rights, highlighting that while such individuals are prevented from working with children, they can still have full access to their own. Her collaboration with her relative and their mothers in writing the book aims to shed light on these systemic failures and advocate for better protections for children.

Child rights attorney Maria Stråtveit warns that current laws do not effectively link abuse convictions to custody rights, posing significant risks to children.

(via nrk.no)