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Buskerud County Municipality faces financial challenges after Viken split

Friday 6th 2024 on 15:54 in  

Buskerud County Municipality is facing significant financial challenges following the split from Viken, necessitating savings of 250 million kroner. The county has already implemented budget cuts across various sectors, including public transportation and culture.

In response to the cuts, the opposition in the county council is suggesting that funds from a potential surplus in 2025 be reallocated to preserve educational programs and schools. They argue that providing quality services is more crucial than maintaining a financial surplus. County Mayor Tore Opdal Hansen recognizes the need for reduced spending but highlights that determining the ultimate surplus goal will require political deliberation. While he does not dismiss the opposition’s proposal, he emphasizes that reaching a solution will take time.

Mons-Ivar Mjelde, leader of the Buskerud Labor Party’s council group, points out the drastic budget cut proposals totaling between 120 to 160 million kroner aimed at achieving a surplus. He emphasizes that residents value effective services over surplus funds.

There are concerns about potential school closures, including Numedal High School, and cuts to vocational courses at other institutions. Mjelde mentions that eliminating a school represents a significant loss to the local community.

Magnus Weggesrud from the Center Party argues that planning for a substantial surplus in 2025 is unnecessary, as the funds are needed for services that directly benefit residents.

Hansen acknowledges the gravity of the situation, stating that budgets must be responsibly managed to avoid deficits that would compromise service provision. He insists that while cuts are unavoidable, discussions will continue to explore sustainable solutions without dismissing the opposition’s ideas outright.

(via nrk.no)