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Activist emphasizes need for opposition to wind farm plans in Fosen

Friday 6th 2024 on 15:54 in  

Lea Hætta Isaksen, an activist, emphasizes the importance of opposing the new wind farm plans in Fosen. She refers to recent announcements from Nordic Wind highlighting their push for new wind turbine projects in the region. These plans have sparked significant controversy, as various stakeholder groups advocate against the developments.

The Nordic Wind group intends to establish wind energy projects in areas identified as important for local communities and indigenous Sami culture. Hætta Isaksen states there is an urgent necessity for resistance to ensure that these energy projects don’t infringe upon the rights and cultural heritage of the Sami people, who have expressed strong opposition against the developments.

Recently, protests have emerged, with activists arguing that plans filed for construction threaten the cultural landscape of the Fosen municipalities. They are seeking support from both local and regional authorities, demanding that new plans be halted until adequate consultations are made with the communities directly affected.

Hætta Isaksen insists that the Sami must be consulted before any environmental assessments are undertaken, citing that the community experiences consistent pressure regarding the wind energy developments. The activists assert that the government must recognize their cultural and land rights in this context.

As opposition builds, Hætta Isaksen calls for unity among Sami and environmental activists to safeguard their lands. She urges stakeholders to prioritize community interests over corporate energy projects, highlighting that this is about preservation rather than mere opposition. The situation continues to evolve, leaving local communities grappling with the implications of these ambitious energy plans.

(via nrk.no)