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Juva municipality releases first procurement report to enhance transparency

Friday 6th 2024 on 13:30 in  

The municipality of Juva has released its first-ever compilation of purchases made by the local government over the past year. The disclosed transactions primarily include payments to various insurance, telecommunications, and energy companies. Among the most significant expenses are repayments for debts and loans to organizations such as the South Savo welfare region and Municipal Finance.

The report reveals over a hundred purchase transactions at the retail chain Tokmanni, where items such as textiles and clothing have been procured, with individual purchases ranging from just under one euro to over 200 euros. Väisäsen Kotiliha charged approximately 130 euros to Juva’s unified school, while the company located in Parkano sold the municipality stone materials for hiking trails amounting to around 1,000 euros.

Additionally, the municipal government has spent 1,713 euros on accommodation and catering services from the Kuopio-based hockey team Kalpa Hockey Oy, and 2,000 euros on cultural services and other operational costs from the Mikkeli team Jukurit. The list also shows international transactions, including payments of over 100 euros to The Walt Disney Company for film-related activities.

By publishing this data for 2023, Juva aims to enhance transparency and accountability, as noted by the municipal administration director, Antti Kinnunen. The decision to disclose such data arose from discussions with the business community, and while this practice is voluntary for municipalities, the Association of Finnish municipalities advocates for it as a means to strengthen transparency and democracy. Other municipalities like Lappeenranta and Porvoo have already made similar disclosures. Moving forward, Juva plans to release its purchasing data annually in the spring following the completion of its financial statements.

(via yle.fi)