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Andersson calls for urgent changes to child protection laws in Sweden

Friday 6th 2024 on 10:53 in  

In a press conference, Social Democratic leader Magdalena Andersson emphasized the urgent crisis in which children are being exploited as soldiers by adults. She, alongside Ardalan Shekarabi, expressed the need for legislative changes regarding the use of secret coercive measures, such as wiretapping, in criminal investigations. Currently, these measures are limited to cases involving individuals over the age of 15, which Andersson argues should be amended to allow for surveillance regardless of age.

She stated that this change would hinder the exploitation of young people in serious crimes and improve the chances of apprehending those who orchestrate murders. “While previous efforts were aimed at protecting children’s privacy and integrity, the current situation necessitates balancing that with the risk of their involvement in criminality and ensuring their safety,” Andersson noted.

The government is currently reviewing this issue, with proposals due on December 20 of this year. The Social Democrats want to expedite the process, affirming, “This must be implemented.” They also aim to accelerate the establishment of youth criminal committees modeled after a system used in Denmark, which would involve young offenders meeting with a judge alongside their parents, with police present.

The committee’s chair is required to be a current or former judge, with the other two members coming from law enforcement and the local municipality. The Social Democrats plan to submit a committee initiative to expedite this proposal when the parliament reconvenes next week.

(via svt.se)