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Westfjords Infrastructure Society advocates for transportation and energy improvements in Westfjords region

Friday 6th 2024 on 10:38 in  

In the Westfjords, the Westfjords Infrastructure Society is advocating for a significant boost in efforts to secure transportation and energy in the region. It is pushing for the construction of tunnels that would bypass exposed mountain roads, which can become treacherous during severe weather.

Guðmundur Fertram Sigurjónsson, a key figure in the initiative, emphasized the urgent need for improvement in both the road network and energy system in the Westfjords. He noted that although fourteen major companies in the region have come together to enhance infrastructure, progress has been slow. The current road conditions do not meet modern standards, and energy reliability is inadequate.

“Energy supply in the region is not secure enough, and there is a pressing need for both increased generation and better distribution of electricity,” Guðmundur stated. He highlighted an economic boom in the Westfjords, with business revenues having tripled over the past seven years and estimated tax revenues from commercial activities potentially doubling or tripling over the next decade.

The society envisions several new tunnels, including one in Dynjandisheiði connecting to Vatnsfjörður, side tunnels towards Bíldudalur, and connections from Bíldudalur to Patreksfjörður. These developments aim to improve connectivity and safety during the harsh winter months, making transportation more reliable and efficient.

Overall, the Westfjords Infrastructure Society’s initiatives seek to draw attention to these critical issues and promote necessary improvements for the area’s long-term growth and stability.

(via ruv.is)