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Iceland faces strong winds and scattered showers as weather shifts

Friday 6th 2024 on 09:03 in  

Iceland continues to experience strong winds today, although the weather is not expected to be as severe as yesterday. The Meteorological Office forecasts a southwest wind blowing at eight to fifteen meters per second, with the strongest gusts occurring in the northwest region. Showers will be scattered across the country, but generally, it will be partly cloudy in northern and eastern Iceland. Temperatures are expected to range from ten to eighteen degrees Celsius, with the warmest areas being in the northeast and southeast.

As the day progresses, the wind will intensify, reaching ten to eighteen meters per second, and rain will begin in the evening. Residents and travelers in the northwest will be the first to notice the precipitation.

Tomorrow’s weather is predicted to remain dry in the southern and western regions, but it will be similar overall to today’s conditions. In the following days, the wind will shift to a northern direction, bringing cooler weather across the country, with the coldest temperatures expected in the northern parts.

(via ruv.is)