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Þórarinn Ingi Pétursson given two weeks to respond to ethics complaint in Iceland

Thursday 5th 2024 on 19:23 in  

Þórarinn Ingi Pétursson, a member of the Progressive Party and chairman of the Agriculture Committee, has been granted two weeks to respond to a request from Haukur Arnþórsson, an administrative scientist. Haukur’s letter to the Parliamentary Presidency last month urged the Althingi to investigate whether Þórarinn’s involvement in the handling and passing of agricultural legislation last spring violated ethical guidelines.

The legislation in question included exemptions for meat processing plants from competition laws. Haukur pointed out in his letter that Þórarinn holds an 0.8 percent stake in Búsæld, a company owning the Kjarnafæði Norðlenska processing plant, which was recently the target of a purchase offer from Kaupfélag Skagfirðinga, the largest shareholder in Búsæld.

Haukur emphasized that Þórarinn’s role in the legislative proceedings was significant, as he led the committee’s proposals during discussions and was a vocal advocate. He argued that Þórarinn’s private interests conflict with public interests and that his conduct undermines public confidence in the Althingi.

Following a committee meeting earlier this week that addressed the request, the next steps include determining whether the case will be dismissed or referred to the Althingi’s advisory ethics committee once Þórarinn submits his response. This will be central to assessing any ethical breaches in his legislative role.

(via ruv.is)