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Minister Waltersson Grönvall condemns sale of group homes on Blocket in Sweden

Thursday 5th 2024 on 18:48 in  

The Minister has expressed strong disapproval following an investigation revealing that group homes (HVB-hem) can be bought and sold on platforms like Blocket and other websites. Camilla Waltersson Grönvall criticized the situation, calling it “disgusting” that such operations could be listed on buy-and-sell sites. She emphasized the need for Ivo (the Swedish Health and Social Care Inspectorate) to take action, specifically regarding the thoroughness of ownership reviews during ownership transfers, which she claims is currently insufficient.

Waltersson also discussed a police report from last week indicating that criminal networks could establish and run HVB companies. According to Ivo, the meeting with the minister aimed to continue ongoing discussions about the array of reports pertaining to group homes. Peder Carlsson, head of the department at Ivo, noted their commitment to improving oversight of these institutions.

Waltersson Grönvall highlighted that discussions with Ivo included four proposed legislative changes aimed at enhancing accountability, such as requiring other authorities to share essential information with Ivo and facilitating more transparent data sharing from databases.

Responding to questions about the current market dynamics that can attract unscrupulous actors to the HVB sector, she pointed out that private operators run three out of four group homes for youth, and only a few municipalities could effectively manage such services.

The Social Democrats have previously suggested that group homes should be municipalized, arguing against their sale on platforms like Blocket, likening it to selling used cars.

(via svt.se)