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False shooting threat disrupts classes at Jyväskylä’s Vocational College Gradian Viitaniemi Campus

Thursday 5th 2024 on 18:40 in  

A false shooting threat interrupted classes at Jyväskylä’s Vocational College Gradian Viitaniemi Campus last Thursday. The area manager and principal, Pirjo Kauhanen, expressed regret over the social media stigmatization of a vocational student who was inaccurately labeled as a shooter.

“It is unfortunate that various rumors, images, and messages circulated on social media, many of which were not accurate. Control over social media is beyond anyone’s grasp,” Kauhanen stated. She emphasized the unjust impact of the rumor mill on an individual student, noting, “As an educational institution, we certainly have a responsibility to cultivate more responsible media and social media users, enhancing understanding of the consequences that false images and messages can create.”

Kauhanen intends to thoroughly investigate the incident. The college’s preparedness team plans to meet on Friday to compile a comprehensive overview of the police operation triggered by the events of that day. On Monday, an information session will be held for all staff members.

The Viitaniemi Campus consists of several school buildings, posing challenges for communication during emergencies. According to Kauhanen, various situations have been regularly practiced, which has been somewhat beneficial. However, she acknowledged the need to update the preparedness plan based on lessons learned from this incident.

Kauhanen also highlighted the importance of a safety app, Secappia, for students and teachers. “While we cannot mandate its installation, we strongly recommend its use.”

(via yle.fi)