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Mass layoffs reported in Iceland raise concerns over economic downturn

Thursday 5th 2024 on 18:13 in  

In August, several mass layoffs were reported in Iceland, raising concerns about a potential economic downturn. The director of the Labour Market Authority, Unnur Sverrisdóttir, noted that the layoffs could be an early indication of a cooling economy, which could lead to an increase in the current unemployment rate of 3.1%.

Three notifications were submitted concerning mass layoffs, with a total of 270 employees affected. Sverrisdóttir expressed that the layoffs appear to be a direct result of government actions aimed at curbing inflation, suggesting that the administration intended to cool down the economy. She believes the recent layoffs signal the beginning of a broader contraction in the economy.

Controlant, a technology company, was among those announcing job cuts, with 150 staff members let go. The specifics of the layoffs pointed to restructuring or cost-cutting measures within various sectors, including technology firms that have been known to undergo mergers or downsizing.

Sverrisdóttir highlighted that while some layoffs could be attributed to particular circumstances, like adjustments in response to reduced vaccine imports for COVID-19, the overall trend likely indicates a cooling economic climate. She anticipates that the economic slowdown will temporarily increase unemployment in the near future.

The potential for economic contraction could lead to difficult predictions regarding which sectors will be most affected. The government and authorities remain vigilant as they monitor the evolving employment landscape amid these layoffs.

(via ruv.is)