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Left Party addresses antisemitism concerns amid social media controversy in Sweden

Thursday 5th 2024 on 17:18 in  

The recent controversy surrounding the Left Party has prompted party secretary Aron Etzler to address concerns about antisemitism following accusations that several party representatives disseminated antisemitic messages on social media. In response to the allegations, the party suspended one of the individuals involved, with Etzler labeling the behavior of all three accused representatives as unacceptable. He emphasized the Left Party’s active role in combating antisemitism.

Reflecting on a vigil held in Malmö after the outbreak of conflict, Etzler noted that two Left Party members—one Jewish and one Palestinian—lit candles together to honor victims. However, it has been clarified that the organizers of the vigil, which was meant to remain apolitical, were not all affiliated with the Left Party. Aron Boklund Tendler, one of the vigil’s organizers, expressed that the collaboration between him and Bassem Nasr, a politician from the Green Party, was significant for its unified stance against the war.

Etzler later commented that he might have confused this vigil with another event organized by a Left Party member, which involved forming a human chain around a synagogue. Boklund Tendler expressed skepticism regarding Etzler’s claim of confusion and suggested that a public apology would be appropriate if true.

The Left Party continues to face scrutiny, with Etzler reiterating that there is no support for antisemitism within the party’s ranks.

(via svt.se)