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Hedensted Municipality opposes sea farming plans in As Vig

Thursday 5th 2024 on 16:43 in  

The Technical and Environmental Committee of Hedensted Municipality has expressed a clear opposition to plans for sea farming in As Vig, located north of Juelsminde. The Environmental Protection Agency had requested the municipality’s stance on the proposal, and the committee’s decision was unequivocal.

“We do not want it to be located in As Vig. We have no doubt that sea farming has some kind of impact on the marine environment, and therefore we consider it to be a very unfortunate location,” stated the committee chair, Ove Kjærskov Nielsen.

Thrine Nørgaard, a local resident and member of the Central Jutland Regional Council, expressed her satisfaction with the committee’s statement. “This is wonderful news. We are fighting for both local support and backing from national politicians, as this is a political issue,” she said. Nørgaard is actively engaged in the cause, leading an association focused on promoting a healthy marine and coastal environment in As Vig, which has garnered nearly 300 paying members in just six months.

However, René Christensen, director of the Danish Aquaculture industry group, expressed confusion regarding the politicians’ decision. “I find it a bit surprising that the municipality does not trust the Environmental Protection Agency to conduct the necessary assessments, including an Environmental Impact Assessment,” he remarked.

The Environmental Protection Agency had encouraged the municipality to provide feedback, and Nørgaard believes that the local response will influence the agency’s considerations. “It adds pressure on the Environmental Protection Agency and national politicians when we locally express our opposition and say that this is not acceptable.”

(via dr.dk)