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East Finland School faces potential closure amid security claims in Finland

Thursday 5th 2024 on 16:25 in  

Iltalehti reported on Wednesday that the East Finland School may pose a potential security threat to Finland. However, the organizations interviewed by Yle refuted these claims. Iltalehti bases its allegations on interviews with foreign and security policy sources. According to these sources, Russia could argue that students enrolled at East Finland School, who are Russian citizens, face a security threat that necessitates protective measures from the Russian state.

The East Finland School, located in Lappeenranta, Imatra, and Joensuu, is a Finnish-Russian school providing education with a focus on the Russian language and culture at the primary and secondary levels, currently hosting 611 students.

The potential closure of the school has been a topic of discussion in all three municipalities, with Imatra as the latest to address it. For instance, Lappeenranta city has opted not to renew the school’s lease, prompting the school to search for new premises. The cities have justified the closure of East Finland School’s units by citing declining birth rates and the need to streamline educational networks.

The Finnish Security Intelligence Service (Supo) does not consider the East Finland School a national security threat. Supo clarified that it has not communicated any such warnings to local authorities and stated that the cities have their reasons for any proposed closures.

Joensuu’s mayor confirmed that there has been no external guidance on the matter, while the local school principal expressed a desire for clear direction regarding the future of Russian language education. Meanwhile, Imatra is investigating the establishment of a specialized program focused on the Russian language, where East Finland School students could apply if desired.

(via yle.fi)