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Finland conducts HÄME24 exercise amid heightened tensions and Russian threat

Thursday 5th 2024 on 15:20 in  

The threat from Russia is reflected in the content of the HÄME24 regional preparedness exercise, which is based on the current security situation in Finland. HÄME24 is one of five exercises conducted nationwide, alongside local defense drills organized by the armed forces.

The exercise scenario involves heightened tensions between Finland and a designated adversary amid an escalating international crisis. This adversary has targeted Sweden, the Baltic countries, and particularly Finland with various actions, including territorial violations, sabotage, cyberattacks, disinformation, espionage, GPS jamming, and protests.

There is a clear shift in the atmosphere compared to the period before the war in Ukraine. While previously, the Russian threat was discussed indirectly or cautiously, it is now explicitly recognized as Russia itself. Markku Hutka, the chief rescue officer at the Southern Finland Regional Administration Office, emphasized that the exercise reflects the existing geopolitical situation.

The annual exercise aims to enhance regional readiness in both normal and exceptional circumstances. This year’s drill is particularly significant as it marks the first exercise for the Kanta and Päijät-Häme regions after the establishment of welfare areas and Finland’s NATO membership. Nearly 400 individuals from 40 organizations are participating, including local municipalities, welfare regions, police, and various other stakeholders.

Furthermore, approximately 6,000 Finns from the armed forces and the Border Guard are involved in the local defense drills nationwide. Hutka highlighted the importance of cooperation between authorities, non-profits, and businesses in ensuring security, supported by continuous and extensive training.

As societal infrastructure has become increasingly vulnerable to external threats, organizations like Lahti Energia are enhancing their security measures and collaboration with authorities to better prepare for crises. Colonel Petri Toivonen, overseeing the HÄME24 exercise, stressed that everyone has a role in emergency preparedness, advocating for community involvement. While there is no current threat of war in Finland, readiness for unexpected developments remains crucial.

(via yle.fi)