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Severe storms close hiking trail at Iso-Palonen Lake in Kuhmo, Finland

Thursday 5th 2024 on 15:05 in  

Severe storms have disrupted the hiking trail surrounding Iso-Palonen Lake at two locations. Near Rapalampi on the south side of the lake, trees have fallen along a stretch of about 150–200 meters. On the north side, near Säynäjärvi, the damage extends for approximately half a kilometer.

The Finnish Forest Administration (Metsähallitus) announced that the 13-kilometer Iso-Palonen hiking trail in Kuhmo’s Maariansärkkien Nature Reserve will be closed indefinitely. The region has experienced a powerful storm that has downed hundreds of trees. Tero Mustonen from Metsähallitus’s Nature Services highlighted safety as the primary reason for the closure, noting that fallen trees have made access to the trail impossible.

Metsähallitus estimates that the devastation is similar to the storm damage witnessed at the Kylmäluoma recreational area in the summer of 2021, although the storm-affected area in Kuhmo is smaller. “We do not have precise information on when or how extensively trees were downed. It rained heavily in the area last Saturday. The damage is quite significant. We will visit the site next week to assess what can be done for the trail’s restoration,” Mustonen stated in the announcement.

(via yle.fi)