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Three traffic accidents raise concerns for youth safety in Western Uusimaa, Finland

Thursday 5th 2024 on 13:50 in  

In the past month, three serious traffic accidents have occurred in the Western Uusimaa police district, resulting in the deaths and severe injuries of underage youths. On August 28 in Lohja, two teenagers were sitting on the trunk of a car when it began to move. Both fell off, and one lost their life. On August 30 in Inkoo, a group of youths driving an ATV ran a stop sign at an intersection, colliding with a car traveling at high speed. Both teens sustained serious injuries. In Leppävaara, Espoo, on August 15, a young person on an electric scooter collided with another scooter rider, who died from their injuries.

Commissioner Hannu Kontola of the Western Uusimaa police department noted that the involvement of youths in serious accidents is unfortunately high. He emphasized that while monitoring young drivers is a focus for traffic enforcement this year, it alone is not enough to prevent accidents. He highlighted the need for better attitudes and understanding of risks among young people, stating, “Attitudes in traffic have shifted in a concerning direction, especially among youths.”

The police pointed out that social media is teaching younger generations negative attitudes towards traffic behavior. “Many videos encouraging reckless driving are published on popular platforms. The primary goal of riding scooters seems to be performing stunts rather than driving responsibly,” Kontola explained.

Each year, the police investigate about 500 severe violations of traffic safety in the region, with young drivers accounting for about half. Excessive speeding is often involved, which multiplies the risk of serious accidents.

Lastly, the police reminded that traffic education should begin in early childhood, and parents play a crucial role in modeling safe behavior on the roads.

(via yle.fi)