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Pori officials debate financial support for struggling Pori Jazz festival in Finland

Thursday 5th 2024 on 12:55 in  

The city of Pori must inevitably participate in stabilizing the finances of the Pori Jazz festival, according to Aaron Michelin, a board member of the Pori Jazz 66 association. The festival has recently faced multiple years of losses, raising significant discussion in Pori, especially criticism directed at the festival’s leadership.

Michelin emphasizes the need to remember the festival’s origins. “Pori Jazz is essentially just a registered association with a little over a hundred members. What started as a small event has developed into a major international festival,” he stated. He believes it is crucial to examine who ultimately owns the event.

Michelin has referred to the city of Pori as the “invisible owner” of the festival, suggesting that despite Pori Jazz being an association, the city reaps the most benefits from the festival and, therefore, should ensure its continuation. He proposes that Pori Jazz could undergo a reform similar to one currently happening in the Suomi Arena, a social discussion event in Pori, where the city and a media company have established a joint entity.

While Michelin argues that the city should be involved in assisting Pori Jazz, local politicians show reluctance. They acknowledge the festival’s significance but believe that, given the current economic situation, the city should not take on greater financial responsibility. Many council members stress that it is the festival organization’s responsibility to balance its finances, and while they receive support of around €200,000 from the city annually, they are expected to become financially viable.

Recent changes to the festival, including age restrictions on major concerts and the prohibition of bringing personal drinks, have drawn criticism from council members, with some suggesting that the city could eliminate free ticket offers to elected officials as a cost-cutting measure.

(via yle.fi)