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Violent incidents rise in emergency shelters in Reykjavík, Iceland

Thursday 5th 2024 on 11:18 in  

In Reykjavík, reports indicate a troubling increase in serious violent incidents occurring in the city’s emergency shelters and housing facilities for the homeless. Currently, an average of 22 violent cases are recorded each month, with 174 incidents logged so far this year alone. In comparison, last year saw a total of 322 such incidents, averaging about 27 per month.

Soffía Hjördís Ólafsdóttir, head of homeless affairs in the Reykjavik municipality, emphasizes the urgent need to enhance safety in these facilities. Although the overall number of incidents hasn’t risen significantly year on year, there is a growing concern regarding the severity of the violence. Users of the services report an increase in harshness of the situations they face, leading to serious assaults.

The Grandagarður shelter, specifically designated for younger homeless men, exemplifies the challenges. Soffía notes the critical nature of these circumstances, stating that individuals utilize these facilities during some of the most difficult stages of their lives. As staff handle complex and challenging situations, they experience varying levels of perceived safety, with occasional acts of violence directed toward them.

Efforts are underway to improve staff safety, including the implementation of security buttons and minimum staffing requirements in emergency shelters. However, there is a recognized need for additional personnel to provide better social support for clients and consequently reduce instances of violence.

(via ruv.is)