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Pigs endure five hours of continuous squealing during transport, raising animal welfare concerns in Denmark

Thursday 5th 2024 on 11:13 in  

In the documentary “If Pigs Could Talk,” available on DRTV, sound recordings reveal that pigs squeal continuously for five hours during transportation. Researchers suggest this indicates high stress levels in the animals throughout the journey. Mette S. Herskin, a professor of animal welfare at Aarhus University, notes that persistent loud squealing is concerning and expressed surprise at how long the pigs screamed. She emphasizes the need for further research to determine whether this reaction is typical or an exception.

Last year, 10.7 million Danish pigs were transported for over ten hours, an increase of two million since 2017. However, the specifics of how pigs fare during these transports remain largely unknown. Most pigs leaving Denmark are young, and there is limited knowledge about their welfare conditions during transport. Although transport is inherently stressful for animals, the extent of that stress can vary significantly.

European authorities stress the need for more research on livestock transport before issuing specific recommendations to enhance animal welfare. Current studies in Europe are scarce, particularly involving young pigs, which are exported in large numbers from Denmark.

The rise in livestock transport is attributed to the higher prices for pigs sold abroad, prompting Danish farmers to export more animals. There is interest in using sound analysis as a tool to monitor animal welfare during transport, but more research is needed to interpret these sounds accurately.

Calls for reducing the number of pigs transported long distances are growing, as concerns about animal wellbeing during these journeys increase. Some political figures advocate for standard regulations across the EU to ensure fair conditions for farmers and the animals.

(via dr.dk)