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Parliament to consider proposal for surveillance cameras in municipalities in Iceland

Thursday 5th 2024 on 11:08 in  
Faroe Islands

For the first time in a year, the Parliament is set to receive a proposal permitting municipalities to install surveillance cameras in specifically designated areas.

Bjarni Kárason Petersen, the Minister of Justice, states that the Ministry is currently working on several legislative proposals intended for this parliamentary session. However, there is uncertainty about whether the proposal concerning surveillance cameras will be introduced in this session.

“I expect that the proposal could be presented in Parliament by autumn 2025,” says the minister.

The Parliament approved a motion in May from the Union Party, urging the government to present a proposal related to municipalities and surveillance cameras. Helgi Abrahamsen, a member of Parliament, inquired whether the Minister intends to adhere to the parliamentary resolution.

Bjarni Kárason Petersen affirmed that he certainly respects the parliamentary decision. The matter has been placed on the agenda of the Ministry of Justice.

Petersen also mentioned the possibility of implementing a trial period for the surveillance cameras, suggesting a duration of five years.

(via kvf.fo)