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Denmark honors soldiers and reinforces commitment to veteran benefits reform

Thursday 5th 2024 on 11:08 in  

On September 5th, Denmark commemorates its deployed soldiers and honors those who have fallen. This year, Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen has reiterated his commitment to reforming benefits for veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A year ago, he expressed the need to ease the burden of proof for veterans seeking compensation, suggesting a reversal of the current responsibility. Instead of veterans needing to prove their illness was caused by deployment, the military would need to demonstrate otherwise.

Lund Poulsen confirmed his proposal today, describing it as a presumption rule. He stated that many veterans have struggled to receive compensation for PTSD due to their substantial burden of proof, which complicates their claims if they cannot provide detailed documentation.

Unlike last year, this time the funding is secured, amounting to over one billion kroner, which will be negotiated in a new veteran package. Claus Stengberg, spokesperson for the Veteran Alliance, acknowledged the importance of the proposal but criticized the slow progress, noting that expectations for concrete legislation remain unmet.

Lund Poulsen has promised that the legislation will be introduced next year, though he has not specified a date. As of April 2024, approximately 46,000 veterans are officially registered in Denmark, with estimates suggesting there may be as many as 60,000 due to prior registration issues. About one in ten veterans show symptoms of severe depression or PTSD, with a significant portion aged 40 to 59.

Stengberg urged for more clarity and decisiveness from the minister, asking for explicit plans rather than indefinite discussions. Meanwhile, other veteran organizations await the proposed legislation, viewing it as a crucial step forward in addressing long-standing issues within the veteran community.

(via dr.dk)