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Residents embrace therapy rabbits at Norðoya Nursing and Care Home in Klaksvík

Thursday 5th 2024 on 10:33 in  
Faroe Islands

Residents often ask about the rabbits first thing in the morning, according to Diana Johannesen, head of the department at the Norðoya Nursing and Care Home in Klaksvík. Last week, they welcomed two rabbits as therapy animals.

Research shows that pets have a significantly positive impact on elderly individuals, including those with dementia, a sentiment echoed by the staff at the nursing home. “The residents are happy, and it seems that the quality of life for some has improved. For some, the rabbits function as a form of therapy, as they can talk to them and express the care we all need to show,” explains Johannesen. She notes that the atmosphere at the facility has become lighter and more positive since the rabbits joined their community.

“There is a great interest in the rabbits. Family members and children from the town are also excited about them, so we have had numerous enjoyable visits since they arrived here,” adds Johannesen.

She emphasizes that the residents do not have responsibility for the rabbits; instead, the staff take care of them. “We see the positive effects this has on the home, and it’s heartwarming for the staff to take on this task,” she says.

Currently, there are nine residents living at the Norðoya Nursing and Care Home.

(via kvf.fo)