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Oens express frustration over long-term construction fence impact on shop in Øygarden

Tuesday 3rd 2024 on 23:54 in  

Kenneth and Anne Oen run a shop in Øygarden, which is now surrounded by a construction fence erected by Statnett. The fence is related to the installation of a new underground cable, a project expected to take several years. The couple claims they received a verbal assurance that the fence would only be in place for six to eight months, but were later informed in June that it might remain for three to four years. They regret not obtaining these promises in writing and have struggled to engage in dialogue with Statnett. While Statnett declined a media interview, they have agreed to meet with the couple.

Last Thursday, the Oens encountered the construction fencing blocking access to their shop on Blomøyna, north of Øygarden, near Bergen. The fence surrounded their entire parking lot, closely approaching their entrance. Anne expressed her frustration, stating they felt their efforts were undervalued.

According to the couple, despite signing a written agreement last year, they contend the fence’s placement violates the verbal promises made to them. After receiving a formal notice regarding the use of their parking area for equipment storage last spring, they contacted Statnett’s noted liaison, who reassured them the area would only be needed for the project’s last phases.

Kenneth has had longer discussions with Statnett representatives to understand the impact on their business before signing the agreement. However, they were shocked to learn that the fence would be erected imminently and could last several years. They depend heavily on visibility from the road to attract spontaneous customers from Bergen, and now fear for their business’s survival.

Anne expressed disappointment over the communication with Statnett, feeling unheard and resorted to media engagement to establish contact. Although Statnett acknowledged their concerns and proposed an alternative solution, the couple is eager to resolve the matter soon.

(via nrk.no)