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Mother pleads for help as disabled son’s knife possession raises concerns in Iceland

Tuesday 3rd 2024 on 22:08 in  

A mother of a disabled boy who has been carrying a knife has been pleading for help from the authorities for years without success. She has reached out to child protective services and self-reported her concerns but has received no response.

“My son has been walking around with knives because he is distressed,” she states, wishing to remain anonymous due to her child’s situation. “He struggles to communicate his feelings due to his diagnoses.”

The mother expresses frustration over the lack of resources available for her son, who is almost eighteen and has multiple diagnoses, including a mental disorder. She has repeatedly encountered closed doors while seeking help. “There are many parents facing similar issues, and we find ourselves on endless waiting lists.”

According to a recent study, one percent of students in Iceland are found to bring knives to school for harmful or defensive purposes. The mother highlights how this systemic lack of support makes it challenging for parents to address their children’s needs properly.

While they have been on waiting lists for mental health services, the mother emphasizes that the problems are escalating. She has actively sought assistance from various agencies, including the police, but to no avail.

“I’m still crying for help. I’ve contacted many agencies. I have even reached out to the police myself. I have tried everything I can, and nothing has worked,” she explains, stressing her desire for treatment options, like a closed facility that could provide the support her son needs.

Currently, he is without any professional help, putting both him and the family in a distressing situation. “This is not a place any parent wants to be in,” she laments.

(via ruv.is)