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Final inspection completes border redefinition between Lierne, Norway and Krokom, Sweden

Tuesday 3rd 2024 on 21:54 in  

On Thursday, the final inspection of the national border between the Lierne municipality in Norway and the Krokom municipality in Sweden took place. For the first time, new electronic measurement methods have been employed to redefine the 1,630-kilometer land border between the two countries. Johnny Welle, the head of the Norwegian Mapping Authority and border commissioner, emphasized the importance of a clear and distinct boundary for fostering good neighborly relations.

Throughout the national border area, forests have been cleared to establish a five-meter-wide border strip, clearly marking the border for all. This ambitious project included digitally recording the exact positions of the border markers using modern technology (GNSS). Welle noted that this is the first time in history that the border has been digitally mapped post-clearance, following five years of fieldwork. The border is now defined, and it will not be revisited for another 25 years.

Municipal and District Minister Erling Sande underlined the significance of an open and well-maintained national border, highlighting the extensive effort that has gone into this project over the past five years. He stated that clarity of borders fosters better relationships between neighboring countries.

On the Swedish side, Susanne Ås Sivborg, border commissioner from Lantmäteriet, expressed her satisfaction with the work completed. She referred to this national border as one of the longest in Europe and noted that while there were only small adjustments, they reflect the enhanced precision obtainable through modern technology compared to previous attempts, which often relied on less accurate methods.

Border inspections are conducted jointly by border commissions from both countries, occurring every 25 years, with the first recorded inspection taking place between 1752 and 1766 based on the Strömstad Treaty of 1751.

(via nrk.no)