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Iceland’s Finance Minister calls for urgent action against rising youth violence and knife carrying

Tuesday 3rd 2024 on 19:48 in  

Iceland’s Finance Minister, Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, has voiced strong concerns over the rising incidents of violence and knife carrying among youth in the country, calling the situation unacceptable for Icelandic society. He emphasized the need for urgent action, stating that preventative measures undertaken in recent years have proven ineffective.

During a government meeting that included representatives from law enforcement and the healthcare sector, Sigurður Ingi highlighted the deep emotional impact of a recent stabbing incident during Culture Night, underscoring the need for the community to address this issue seriously. He acknowledged that steps must be taken both in the short and long term to combat the growing violence.

“The current situation requires us to step up and take more decisive action,” Sigurður Ingi stated, announcing the formation of a special task force that will deliver recommendations in the coming days. He expressed concerns about the surrounding environment that contributes to this violence, including issues related to alcohol accessibility and increasing substance use among teens.

When asked whether there’s unity among government members regarding this initiative, he confirmed a collective commitment, stating, “The entire nation agrees that we cannot accept this situation. It is dreadful, and we empathize with those affected.”

This strong stance reflects a broader societal demand for stricter measures to ensure the safety and well-being of the community amidst the rising trend of youth violence.

(via ruv.is)