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Ebbe Preisler advocates legalizing assisted dying for seniors in Denmark

Tuesday 3rd 2024 on 19:28 in  

Ebbe Preisler, who is facing charges for the alleged murder of his Parkinson’s-stricken wife, Mariann Preisler, advocates for the legalization of assisted dying for individuals over 80. Preisler argues that people in this age group often find themselves reflecting on their lives and questioning their purpose, suggesting that they should have the option of active euthanasia even if they are not terminally ill. He describes the act of killing his wife as a “love killing” and has been vocal about his views on assisted dying since surviving a subsequent suicide attempt.

In a recent interview, Preisler was asked if he believes that life loses its value after the age of 80. He responded that he thinks individuals enter a different phase of life, where they focus on self-care and maintaining health. However, he acknowledged that he finds this phase somewhat dull and questioned the inherent value of life at that age.

Preisler emphasizes that the choice to pursue assisted dying should remain an individual one, clarifying that not everyone over 80 would want to end their lives hastily. He insists that the debate around assisted dying is complex and should cater to personal circumstances.

In conjunction with these discussions, Preisler is releasing a book titled “Mæt af dage,” in which he elaborates on his views regarding assisted dying for seniors. He encourages open conversations about mental health and urges anyone experiencing suicidal thoughts to reach out for help.

(via dr.dk)