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Svenskt Näringsliv supports Tidöpartierna’s flight tax abolition in Sweden

Tuesday 3rd 2024 on 17:33 in  

The Swedish business organization Svenskt Näringsliv has expressed support for the Tidöpartierna’s decision to abolish the flight tax, describing it as a long-overdue measure. Karin Johansson, the organization’s Deputy CEO, stated that the tax is a misguided climate initiative that has harmed Sweden’s competitiveness and reduced accessibility.

The airline industry is also optimistic about the elimination of the flight tax. Geir Karlsen, CEO of Norwegian Air, welcomed the news, emphasizing that it is a topic they have debated and fought for over the years, viewing the decision as highly beneficial for the entire aviation sector. In agreement, Jonas Abrahamsson, CEO of Swedavia, noted that the tax has negatively impacted Swedish air travel accessibility, competitiveness, and growth, while also obstructing meaningful climate action by indiscriminately taxing emissions regardless of fuel type.

However, not everyone is in favor of the tax repeal. Amanda Lind, a spokesperson for the Green Party, criticized the decision as part of a “reckless” climate policy, arguing that it contradicts the urgent need to reduce emissions. Left Party economic spokesperson Ida Gabrielsson also questioned the rationale behind the plan, asking what alternative reality government officials are in when they believe that abolishing the flight tax will enhance Swedish growth. Her counterpart from the Social Democratic Party, Mikael Damberg, cautioned that the decision is premature, suggesting that while a unified European system for airline costs is beneficial, the government is moving too quickly without it being established.

The flight tax is set to be eliminated on July 1 next year.

(via svt.se)