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Principal Rósa Heinesen resigns from Miðnám in Suðuroy amid tensions with Tvøroyri mayor

Tuesday 3rd 2024 on 17:03 in  
Faroe Islands

The principal of Miðnám in Suðuroy, Rósa Heinesen, has announced her resignation.

She took on the role of principal on February 1 of this year but will step down from the position on December 1. In a brief statement, Heinesen mentioned she would be taking on a new job while denying that her resignation is related to the ongoing conflict with the mayor of Tvøroyri.

This tension escalated in June when she wrote a letter to the editor titled “Municipal Merger: One Fallacy and Another,” which provoked a strong reaction from Mayor Kristin Michelsen, who requested an apology. He did not receive one, and since then, there have been no further developments regarding this matter.

Before assuming the role at Miðnám in Suðuroy, Heinesen had experience teaching both there and at the Health School, and she has also worked with the Research Council.

(via kvf.fo)