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Fireworks concert cancellation leads to surge in sausage sales for Svein Finstad in Horten

Tuesday 3rd 2024 on 16:54 in  

The fireworks concert in Horten scheduled for a week and a half ago was canceled due to severe weather, leaving both performers and attendees disappointed. The event, intended to draw a crowd of 5,000 to the small green sausage kiosk on the beach, ended up with zero customers, resulting in a significant loss for the kiosk operator, Svein Finstad.

Due to the perishable nature of the hot dogs, he was unable to return the large number of sausages he had ordered for the event. However, following coverage in the media and the arrival of pleasant late summer weather over the weekend, Finstad experienced a surge in customers looking for discounted sausages. He reported a wave of inquiries from individuals and associations, even receiving a request from a man from Southern Norway who wanted to send sausages to Ukraine.

The situation turned around quickly, with Finstad stating that the queues in front of his stand were almost overwhelming. He felt supported by many patrons who came out to back him during this challenging time. By the end of the weekend, all leftover sausages from the cancelled festival had sold out, prompting him to place new orders. The sales skyrocketed, and his supplies were depleted an hour before closing on Sunday.

While the beach kiosk was set to close for the season this week, positive weather forecasts for the coming days mean Finstad plans to keep the stand open a bit longer. Reflecting on the experience, he acknowledged the stress but was grateful for the community’s support, noting that they may need to be more cautious with future orders to avoid similar situations.

(via nrk.no)