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Mikko Levón fined for safety violations at Epäjohdonmukaiset tanssiaiset in Kuusamo

Tuesday 3rd 2024 on 16:33 in  

Mikko Levón, the organizer of the “Epäjohdonmukaiset tanssiaiset” (Inconsistent Ball), which took place in Kuusamo last year, has been fined for violating gathering regulations. The regional news source Kaleva first reported the story.

According to Chief Investigator and Police Commissioner Jari Heikkilä, the event failed to meet necessary safety standards. For instance, there weren’t enough personnel to maintain order. Police assessed that the shortcomings were not intentional; instead, Levón had good intentions and aimed to ensure that the event went smoothly. Heikkilä noted that the level of intent was minimal, which was considered during the sentencing.

The challenges seemed to stem from a lack of experience in organizing such events. Heikkilä mentioned that the issues faced were not deliberate; rather, the situation simply unfolded in that manner. However, he did not comment on the amount of the fine.

The police concluded their investigation in early summer. Although a second “Epäjohdonmukaiset tanssiaiset” was planned for August of this year, the authorities revoked the event’s permit at the last minute, citing safety concerns related to the event’s infrastructure.

There is speculation regarding the future of the “Epäjohdonmukaiset tanssiaiset” as hints of a continuation are suggested on the cancelled event’s website.

(via yle.fi)