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Government unlikely to reduce interest rate support amid coalition discussions in Faroe Islands

Tuesday 3rd 2024 on 14:24 in  
Faroe Islands

The government is unlikely to reduce interest rate support, as revealed in discussions earlier today among coalition and opposition members.

Ruth Vang, Minister of Finance, has long argued that the interest rate support should be decreased as part of efforts to improve economic sustainability.

However, neither Eyðgunn Samuelsen, chair of the finance committee, nor Eirikur í Jákupsstovu, a member from the People’s Party, are in favor of reducing this support at this time.

Opposition members, including Beinir Johannesen from the People’s Party and Steffan Klein Poulsen from the Centre Party, also oppose any changes to the interest rate support under the current circumstances.

For further details, listeners can tune into the radio news segment.

(via kvf.fo)