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Eeli Grén prepares for World Skills competition in Lyon, France

Tuesday 3rd 2024 on 13:28 in  

Eeli Grén, an 18-year-old from Taipalsaari, began playing on a computer at the age of ten. Around the same time, he developed an interest in coding. “I think I first made a simple calculator,” Grén recalls. His passion for web development grew during middle school, leading him to establish a small business that attracted a few clients over the years. “That’s how it all started,” he reflects on the last eight years.

In just over a week, Grén will compete in the World Skills competition in Lyon, France, where 1,500 vocational skills experts from around the world will participate. Finland is sending 22 competitors, having taken part in the competition since 1989.

The World Skills competition showcases various vocational disciplines, with Grén specializing in web development. This involves everything seen on websites, including their functionality and the features they offer. “All online services, internet banking, social media sites, and business websites are our domain,” he states.

Grén has been studying information and communication technology at the Saimaan Vocational Institute in Lappeenranta and graduated this summer as a software developer. He started training for the World Skills competition last November, dedicating 4 to 6 hours daily to coding. “This has been full-time training with coach Margit Tennosaar, and I’ve been working on previous competition tasks to build my routine,” he says.

During the competition, participants face timed tasks, with judges closely evaluating each element’s aesthetics and functionality. Grén emphasizes the importance of page speed, appearance, and responsiveness across devices. He also highlights the significance of website accessibility for users with disabilities.

With just a week until the competition, Grén plans to spend the next four days at his cabin fishing and unplugging from the digital world before his trip to France, where World Skills will take place from September 10-15, 2024.

(via yle.fi)