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Couple discovers lethargic frog on pathway in Garðabær, Iceland

Tuesday 3rd 2024 on 12:43 in  

On Easter evening in 2022, Anna Margrét Áslaugardóttir, an animal care student and chairperson of the Dýrfinnu organization, received an unusual call. A couple had found a lethargic frog on a pathway in Garðabær. This discovery piqued both her interest and compassion.

While walking their dog just before midnight, Lilja Einarsdóttir and Lárus Jón Thorarensen noticed something moving in a bush. Initially thinking it was dog waste, Lilja was shocked to discover it was actually a frog, which seemed barely alive due to the cold. After capturing the frog in a plastic bag, they researched online and set up a temporary habitat before contacting Dýrfinnu, an organization dedicated to the rescue of lost pets. They assumed the frog might be a lost pet.

Anna Margrét quickly responded to their call, disregarding the late hour. She began investigating the frog’s origin and attempted to identify its species. Without any owners coming forward, she eventually decided to foster the frog herself.

The exact species of frogs found in Garðabær has long been uncertain. Anna Margrét sought assistance from the Nature Conservation Institute of Iceland, providing videos and information, but declined to hand over the frog when requested for further study, expressing, “I’ve already formed a bond with the animal.” Unfortunately, the institute insisted that the frog needed to be euthanized for research purposes.

A podcast episode titled “Invasion of the Frogs and Other Creatures” discusses the search for these frogs in Garðabær, exploring local waterways and examining the implications of their presence in the area.

(via ruv.is)