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Eija Stenberg defends Savonlinna’s reputation amid controversy over Mayor Janne Laine’s comments on sexual minorities

Tuesday 3rd 2024 on 11:03 in  

Eija Stenberg, the chair of the Savonlinna City Council, has assessed that the comments made by Mayor Janne Laine concerning sexual and gender minorities have not significantly harmed the city’s reputation. Stenberg believes Mayor Laine’s remarks may matter to individuals but do not affect the city’s image, noting that the city’s strategy emphasizes equality for all. “I don’t see it as a problem that requires major intervention,” she stated.

Mayor Laine has expressed views suggesting that supporting the Pride movement does not enhance equality and that sexual minorities are not discriminated against in Finland. However, the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare reports that a significant number of individuals from sexual and gender minorities have experienced harassment and violence.

In response, local residents Jari Pelvo, Mikael Nousiainen, and Tilda Salo share their experiences of harassment in Savonlinna in a video interview.

Mayor Laine is also an elected official in the South Savo welfare region, where he has opposed the use of rainbow colors in communication during Pride month. He co-authored an opinion piece with fellow regional representatives, opposing the welfare region’s participation in Pride campaigns. Stenberg believes the opinion piece reflects views more aligned with the Centre Party rather than a city leadership stance, asserting that these roles should be kept separate.

Seta, an LGBTQ+ advocacy organization, criticized Laine’s comments, arguing that he is blaming rainbow individuals for the harassment they face, promoting prejudice and discrimination. According to Seta’s secretary general, Kerttu Tarjamo, the mayor’s proper message should be that discrimination is unacceptable and must be addressed.

Stenberg remains optimistic about the city’s safety for sexual and gender minorities but acknowledges ongoing harassment while encouraging reporting such incidents to the police.

(via yle.fi)