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Helsinki seeks to honor women with new street names amid ongoing urban development

Tuesday 3rd 2024 on 10:13 in  

Helsinki is currently undergoing significant development, with many new residential neighborhoods and blocks being constructed. Each year, approximately 80 streets and public areas are named in the city, sometimes honoring notable individuals. About ten percent of Helsinki’s streets are known as commemorative streets. Recent additions named after famous figures include Miina Sillanpää Street in Sörnäinen and Wivi Lönni Square in Kulosaaren. Four years ago, the area of Hakaniemi welcomed alleys and a terrace named after photographer Signe Brander.

According to Hanna Ikonen, a planner in the City of Helsinki’s Urban Environment Division, the naming committee frequently receives requests to name streets or public areas after individuals, such as as birthday gifts. However, this is not permitted, as streets cannot be named after living persons. To name a street in memory of someone, it is generally required that at least five years have passed since their death and that the person has a connection to the location.

There is a growing desire to increase the representation of women in street names. Ikonen notes that historically, around 400-500 streets in Helsinki have been named after men, while only about 100 streets bear women’s names. The neighborhood of Herttoniemenranta exemplifies efforts to address this imbalance. Streets in the area, such as Rouvienpolku and Neitojenpolku, honor significant women connected to the Herttoniemi estate.

Additionally, street names in regions like Hermanninranta reflect a theme of popular music, featuring names associated with artists such as Olavi Virta and Annikki Tähti. In contrast to some Eastern European countries, Helsinki has yet to change street names due to scandals, with most discussions around name changes having occurred over a century ago when Finland gained independence. Today, the historical layering of street names is viewed as intriguing.

(via yle.fi)