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Delays reported at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport due to new EU liquid regulations

Tuesday 3rd 2024 on 08:23 in  

Passengers traveling through Helsinki-Vantaa Airport are experiencing significant delays at security checks due to new regulations regarding liquids in hand luggage. As of September 1, the European Union’s new policies require that liquids in carry-on baggage must be packed in containers no larger than 100 milliliters.

On Tuesday morning, journalist Kari Nihti reported a crowded departure lounge filled with anxious travelers, many of whom were concerned about missing their flights. According to Nihti, waiting times at security checks stretched to an hour, with airport staff not allowing rushed passengers to access departure gates, even with their boarding passes.

Despite the busy atmosphere, only five out of the airport’s 17 security checkpoints were operational, with one specifically allocated for business travelers with priority check-in. The delays were exacerbated by the need to remove larger liquid containers as mandated by the EU regulations.

Hanna Hämäläinen, head of passenger services at Finavia, acknowledged that the waiting times on Tuesday morning were unusually long. She advised travelers to allocate extra time for security checks and to familiarize themselves with packing guidelines beforehand. Peak travel times occur between 6 AM to 8 AM and 2 PM to 6 PM.

Finavia has communicated these new liquid restrictions since early August, alongside airlines notifying their customers. Hämäläinen noted the unexpected volume of large liquid containers surrendered at security, including cosmetic items and food products such as smoothies, jams, and butter. A useful rule to remember is that if a product can be spread, it is considered a liquid.

(via yle.fi)