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Eight Belgian soldiers face trial in Norway over brawl outside Nabo’n pub in Åndalsnes

Tuesday 3rd 2024 on 07:54 in  

Eight Belgian soldiers have appeared in court to explain their actions. The incident in question occurred on February 18, when dozens of individuals were involved in a massive brawl outside Nabo’n pub in Åndalsnes. Among those involved were several local residents and special forces from Belgium.

Norwegian public prosecutor Ingvild Thorn Nordheim decided in March to bring charges against the eight soldiers. The trial begins today, but Nordheim states that none of the soldiers admit to unconditional guilt. “However, some acknowledge that they threw punches,” she noted.

A significant part of the trial will focus on whether events leading up to the brawl support the soldiers’ claim that they should not be punished. Nordheim emphasizes the uniqueness of the case, as it is the first time eight Belgian soldiers have faced trial in Norway.

Defending one of the soldiers who pleads not guilty, lawyer Roy Peder Kulblik argues that it is senseless for his client to be on trial. He claims his client believes the local individuals were the aggressors who instigated the incident. Kulblik elaborates that his client witnessed friends being attacked by angry locals and intervened to help, but was then attacked from behind, leading to his involvement in the fight. According to him, this soldier remains active in the Belgian defense forces.

The trial is scheduled to last eight days, during which several witnesses—including victims and police officers—are expected to testify.

(via nrk.no)