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Generation Alpha’s unique slang confuses adults, says Swedish youth

Tuesday 3rd 2024 on 03:38 in  

Generation Alpha refers to those born in 2010 and later. Like many previous generations, they have developed their own unique slang and expressions. However, it’s uncertain whether adults understand their meanings.

“I don’t think so. It’s more like youth slang,” says 11-year-old Astrid Hellströmer. Among the new expressions is a reference to a U.S. state. “If you see something strange, you can say ‘only in Ohio,'” adds fellow 11-year-old Jack Jonsson.

A video accompanying the article explores the meanings of various slang terms and tests whether an adult can identify some correctly. The evolving language of this new generation reflects their experiences and cultural influences, highlighting the generational divide in communication styles.

(via svt.se)