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Iceland intensifies efforts to combat youth violence and weapon possession

Monday 2nd 2024 on 22:08 in  

Efforts to combat youth violence and weapon possession in Iceland are set to be intensified, according to Eygló Harðardóttir, a project manager in crime prevention. She highlighted that recent initiatives announced by the Ministers of Education and Justice align with recommendations from a report by the national police’s analytical division. However, she emphasized the need for increased efforts in implementing these strategies.

Harðardóttir noted a significant shortage of community police officers in the capital and larger regions, calling for more visible law enforcement to effectively respond to incidents. “We believe there needs to be a stronger police presence where it is most necessary, and it is crucial that there are consequences for wrongdoing,” she stated.

She added that incidents of lawbreaking not only need to be addressed but also require sufficient personnel to manage the aftermath. This focus aims to ensure that police can effectively operate in communities, enhancing public security and potentially reducing youth violence.

(via ruv.is)