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Allegations of antisemitism shake Left Party’s leadership in Sweden

Monday 2nd 2024 on 22:03 in  

Recent reports have surfaced regarding Ali Hadrous, a member of the Left Party (V) in Sweden, who has been accused of spreading antisemitic content and glorifying terrorist actions. Hadrous serves on the Landskrona municipal council and the party’s local executive committee. The party’s secretary, Aron Etzler, stated that Hadrous has shared highly antisemitic material online. In response, the Left Party has initiated expulsion proceedings and urged him to resign from his positions. Following these allegations, Hadrous also lost his job as a teacher. He has denied any intention of sharing antisemitic posts.

In a related development, it has come to light that Orwa Kadoura, the deputy chair of the Left Party in Malmö, has shared antisemitic messages and praised Hamas on social media. This includes a video celebrating the October 7 attack on Israel, alongside another depicting Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in a derogatory manner. After the revelation, Kadoura expressed regret and removed the videos.

Additionally, Kristofer Lundberg, the party chair in Angered, has shown support for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a group designated as a terrorist organization by the EU and the USA. The PFLP advocates armed resistance against Israel and opposes a two-state solution, conflicting with the Left Party’s official stance.

Despite these incidents being contrary to the party’s principles, no expulsion actions are currently underway for Kadoura and Lundberg. Etzler emphasized that the intent behind each case matters significantly and recognized the need for accountability in correcting any damage caused. He maintains that the occurrences do not reflect the party’s overall position on antisemitism, asserting that the Left Party has no support for such beliefs within its ranks.

(via svt.se)