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Rage room opens in Kokkolan, Finland, offering unique emotional outlet for locals

Monday 2nd 2024 on 19:38 in  

In Kokkolan, a new rage room has opened, allowing individuals to shatter items like televisions into pieces. The setup has drawn attention as people explore the question: why do we find pleasure in breaking things? Jari Lipsanen, chairman of the Psychologists’ Association, explains that rage rooms offer an outlet for behaviors that might not fit into everyday life due to a supposed lack of self-regulation. These spaces let individuals express primitive, almost childlike impulses, providing a sense of satisfaction.

He compares the act of deliberate destruction to physical exercise or chopping wood in anger, as both serve to channel emotions into physical activity. Terhi Ketola-Huttunen, psychotherapist and co-author of “The Angry Woman,” emphasizes that everyone has their methods for releasing pent-up anger, and breaking objects is merely one of those ways. She also highlights that rage rooms provide a safe environment for aggression release, contrasting this with the dangers of spontaneous outbursts at home, which can represent a form of violence.

During a pop-up event in Kokkolan, Joni Kivinen described feeling exhausted yet exhilarated after a three-minute smashing session. He noted the experience was enjoyable, despite the initial apprehension. Research has indicated that even brief moments of anger can adversely affect heart health, increasing risks for stroke and heart attack.

While rage is a natural emotion that shouldn’t be suppressed, Lipsanen stresses the importance of expressing it constructively. As Ketola-Huttunen points out, it’s critical to move beyond anger rather than dwelling on it, as unresolved anger can lead to long-term difficulties.

(via yle.fi)