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Aspiring students seek insights into competitive medical programs in Finland

Monday 2nd 2024 on 19:08 in  

For those aspiring to study medicine, veterinary medicine, or dentistry, it’s essential to prepare diligently and persistently, as gaining admission to these programs is highly competitive. Despite a notable shortage of professionals in these fields, entry remains challenging.

We are currently seeking individuals who have repeatedly applied to medical, veterinary, or dental schools for interviews. We want to understand what motivates them to apply and how they feel about the ongoing discussions surrounding the healthcare workforce shortage, particularly when they aspire to join the field themselves.

If you are interested in sharing your experience, please leave your name and contact information in the provided form. Your name will not be published without your consent, and your information will only be used for journalistic purposes, handled strictly by personnel involved in the content creation. It will not be shared with third parties.

Here are some optional questions to consider:
– How many times have you applied to medical school, and when?
– Have you been admitted to study medicine? If so, where and when?
– If you were not accepted, do you plan to apply again?
– How difficult or easy have you found the application process?
– What feelings or thoughts arise from not being selected?
– There has been considerable discussion about the shortage of healthcare professionals in Finland recently. What are your thoughts on this matter?
– Your age (optional)
– Your location (optional)
– Your name and contact details for reachability. Please provide both, as we cannot utilize responses without a way to contact you.

Would you be willing to provide an interview on this topic? Would you consent to being interviewed under your name and with your photo?

(via yle.fi)