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Sareen criticizes instability in Denmark’s equality sector

Monday 2nd 2024 on 18:18 in  

Manu Sareen, a former equality minister from 2011-2015 for the Radikale Venstre party, expresses concern over the continued instability in the equality sector, which has frequently been shifted between different ministries. He emphasizes that this situation is frustrating and not acceptable, stating that such moves undermine the dedication and consistency needed in equality policy.

Sareen criticizes the government’s failure to establish an independent ministry for equality, highlighting the numerous issues that remain unaddressed in this area. He believes that elevating equality to a standalone ministry would enhance its significance and allow for stronger advocacy in the political sphere.

Former politicians Pernille Skipper from Enhedslisten and Karsten Lauritzen from Venstre echo Sareen’s sentiments during their appearance on DR’s radio program, acknowledging that the Ministry of Equality has been treated like a political football, having been moved around a total of 15 times since its inception in 1999. The latest relocation places it under the Ministry of Environment, which Lauritzen finds difficult to justify given the importance of equality.

The Danish Women’s Society describes this ongoing situation as regrettable, suggesting that it reflects a lack of serious commitment to equality. Skipper points out that the frequent moves have led employees to adapt to the instability, which she humorously remarks has become part of their routine. Despite the chaos, she argues that retaining a core team dedicated to equality is essential for keeping the issues on the political agenda as they navigate these transitions.

(via dr.dk)