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Icelandic Minister Willum Þór Þórsson announces new opioid treatment agreement

Monday 2nd 2024 on 18:08 in  

Iceland’s Minister of Health, Willum Þór Þórsson, has announced a new agreement between the Icelandic Health Insurance and the Icelandic Association for Substance Abuse Prevention (SÁÁ) as part of a larger initiative to tackle the growing opioid crisis in the country. The agreement significantly expands access to treatment, allowing around 450 individuals to receive medication-assisted therapy for opioid addiction, up from a previous limit of just 90 patients at a time.

Willum emphasized the importance of the government’s responsibility in addressing this issue, noting that the state auditor has begun an evaluation following the government’s response to increased opioid misuse. “It is, of course, always a matter of definition whether we should call it an epidemic, but it is crucial that we take responsibility, which we have always done in the Ministry of Health,” he stated.

The ministry has been actively working on strategies for harm reduction and substance use policies in recent months. “We are simultaneously taking steps that are being incorporated into this strategy; we are not waiting for the policy to be finalized before taking action but are engaged in ongoing discussions to enhance resources and responses,” he added.

This initiative reflects a proactive approach to a pressing public health challenge, aiming to provide immediate support to those affected by opioid addiction in Iceland.

(via ruv.is)