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Increase in enrollments at SOSU Østjylland as Aarhus addresses healthcare staffing shortages

Monday 2nd 2024 on 16:48 in  

Amid a demanding period as a consultant, Sofie Dragsbæk recalled how much she had enjoyed working with people in a previous job at a facility for individuals with disabilities, where she typically returned home happy. At 28 years old and from Aarhus, she decided to shift her focus from multimedia design to a profession in urgent need of support. “It provides peace of mind knowing that I’m needed,” she stated.

In September 2023, Dragsbæk enrolled in a social and healthcare assistant program in Aarhus, eager to engage with people again. That fall marked a nearly 15% increase in student enrollments at SOSU Østjylland, coinciding with significantly improved salary conditions for social and healthcare students. Dragsbæk acknowledged this financial stability played a key role in her decision to enter the care sector.

The rise in enrollment can also be attributed to a collaboration between the educational institution and Aarhus Municipality, aimed at supporting students and easing their transition into practical work by providing mentorship. Dragsbæk reports positive experiences during her practical training and is enthusiastic about exploring different placements, particularly areas related to her previous volunteer work with vulnerable youth.

According to Anette Schmidt Laursen, the institution’s director, many adult students like Dragsbæk have backgrounds in the workforce before pursuing education here. Despite a burgeoning hope for more students in Aarhus, a recent analysis by COWI predicts worsening conditions within the care sector, emphasizing the existing deficit of social and healthcare professionals.

Dragsbæk, who had faced difficulties in her previous career, finds the assurance of job prospects attractive, although she acknowledges the profession’s reputation could be improved within her social circle. A Ministry of Finance report forecasts a potential shortfall of about 15,000 social and healthcare assistants by 2035.

(via dr.dk)