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Agreement boosts opioid addiction treatment in Iceland, increasing patient access fivefold

Monday 2nd 2024 on 15:13 in  

A new agreement signed today significantly increases access to medication-assisted treatment for severe opioid addiction, enabling five times more patients to receive care than previously. This critical development was highlighted by Ragnheiður Hulda Friðriksdóttir, CEO of SÁÁ, an organization focused on addiction treatment.

The agreement between SÁÁ and the Icelandic Health Insurance has raised the capacity for medication treatment from 90 to 450 individuals at any given time. Ragnheiður emphasized the urgency of addressing the dangerous consumption habits among those struggling with opioid addiction.

“This effectively expands access to medication-assisted treatment to address the needs of this vulnerable group,” she noted. The new arrangement allows for faster intervention, enabling individuals who present at health facilities to receive quick referrals for treatment. Those experiencing severe opioid use can now be prioritized for immediate assistance—potentially within a day.

The partnership not only enhances outpatient services by providing more comprehensive treatment alongside medication but also improves access to healthcare professionals, including doctors and nurses.

Ragnheiður pointed out that there is a growing demand for treatment as well as an increasing percentage of individuals facing opioid addiction, indicating the need for continued improvement in services. She expressed gratitude for the constructive dialogue with the Icelandic Health Insurance and the Ministry of Health that led to this milestone.

The new agreement is a significant step forward, yet Ragnheiður maintains that discussions will continue to further strengthen addiction treatment efforts in Iceland.

(via ruv.is)