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Independence Party shifts focus away from internal issues at council meeting in Reykjavik

Monday 2nd 2024 on 12:03 in  

At a recent party council meeting of Iceland’s Independence Party, young members were directed to focus on discussions about the real estate market rather than addressing the party’s current standing. This message reportedly came from Valhöll, the party’s headquarters. Franklin Ernir Kristjánsson, a board member of the Young Independence Party, indicated that the leadership did not want the party’s status to be discussed publicly.

During the council meeting, young members were not allowed to speak from the podium, though they were granted one hour of live broadcast on the party’s YouTube channel. Kristjánsson had intended to interview local government officials about necessary changes to restore the party’s popularity but was informed by Valhöll that such discussions were not welcome. Instead, they suggested shifting the focus to the real estate market.

Kristjánsson criticized the lack of openness from party leadership, likening the situation to censorship. He expressed disbelief that a party known for promoting free broadcasting would impose restrictions on its own media platform. He also raised concerns about the party’s current state, which, according to recent polls, shows the Independence Party trailing behind the Center Party, marking one of its lowest standings.

He compared the party to a sports team that needs a change in coaching, suggesting that without the willingness to adapt strategies or personnel, the party will struggle to regain its competitive position. Kristjánsson stated that significant changes are necessary for the Independence Party to have a chance at success in future elections.

(via ruv.is)